It’s been a long two years due to the pandemic, but the historic Fort Langley CNR Station has reopened for 2022. Tour the ticket office and freight room, weekends from noon until 4 pm and on Holiday Mondays. For more information, videos and photos visit HERE.


Station manager Helen Williams with volunteers Margot McKenzie and Juli-Anne Paterson welcoming the year’s first visitors. Lots of great questions from the public!


Destination please? Margot McKenzie welcomes visitors to the CNR Station House at the ticket booth


A family poses on the speeder trailer situated on the tracks in front of the 1915 heritage CNR Station. (Helen Williams photo)


Pull the train whistle on our new donation box!



Clocks to horse halters. Some of the items on display in the freight room that could be ordered via the Eaton’s catalogue



Talk a walk on the CNR Station platform


The heritage gardens are beginning to come into bloom